
Webster Season 2 Episode 7 You Cant Go Home Again


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Critic Reviews for everything'due south gonna be all white: Flavor i

Audience Reviews for everything's gonna be all white: Flavour 1

  • Apr 14, 2022

    This is the reason racism exists! Racism would be gone in this country if these crazies didn't propagate this ugly leftist propaganda to keep resentment live. If y'all care nearly racial equality and positive relationships, and so stand up against this garbage.

  • Mar 08, 2022

    Right-wing political commentator Ben Shapiro (who has MILLIONS of followers), did a "review" of the TRAILER for this evidence. Non surprising, HE TRASHED Information technology. He gave a review of this series based solely on the trailer (he was making comments about ti that were categorically wrong, e.thousand. he said it was hosted by Amanda Seales. Information technology'southward not! If he really watched it, he'd know that). I guarantee you, all the 1-star reviews on this show are his fans giving vapid, over-generalized comments that conspicuously indicate they did Not watch information technology. I really watched it, and the series does a groovy task laying out very SPECIFIC issues equally it relates to race in this country. But to name a few, it addresses racial stereotypes in Hollywood; the broken promises and treaties between the US and ethnic people; the effects of chattel slavery and Jim Crow that reverberate to today; colorism in Hollywood; the gentrification of POC communities and the effects it has on those communities. Etc. The series interviews a wide range of people from teaching, amusement, politics, and activism. It interviews Asians, Blackness people, Latinx, and Ethnic people. Information technology provides specific facts and figures on all the points information technology brings up. Not ONE of these one-star reviews addresses any SPECIFIC aspects of the serial. Despite the fact that anyone can do a elementary Google search to verify the info given in the series. No ane who is intellectually HONEST can watch this series and give it a 1-star based on the B.S. these Ben Shapiro fans are writing. If y'all lean far to the correct and are a fan of people like Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingram, or Candace Owens, yous will absolutely not like what this series has to say. Merely, regardless of your political leanings, if you are intelligent, open-minded, and have a center of empathy and compassion for what POC deal with in this country, you lot will observe the series eye-opening. You might not necessarily agree with everything, and I'k non saying yous'd give information technology a 4 or 5. But the creative and artistic execution alone are worthy of a rating higher than a i! GMAFB! Practice non base whether or not you watch this series on the raving and dishonest reviews of a deluge of Ben Shapiro fans.

  • Feb 27, 2022

    Racist and bigoted ideas being spread through Showtime. The series is filled with prejudice, hate, and stereotypes. I am amazed that Showtime stands behind and embraces such ideas and thinking, and that they deem it to be consistent with their values as a corporation. Because I disagree with Showtime and their racist mindset, I have cancelled my Starting time subscription that was linked through Amazon prime, and I will non picket any Outset programming.

  • February 18, 2022

    WOW...this was so horrible to watch. Just pure hatred and a narcissistic brandish of the worst aspects of the human psyche. Give thanks goodness that people don't want this.

  • February eighteen, 2022

    "I have a dream that my children will one day alive in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin simply by the content of their graphic symbol."

  • Feb 17, 2022

    What y'all will appreciate from the offset episode of Everything'due south Gonna Be White is a highly engaging , fresh and easy to sentry movie production. Manager Sacha Jenkins did a wonderful job to creating a fun, genre bending film, that does for documentary what a movie like Big Shorts by Adam McKay does for movies. While all the elements of a documentary seem to be nowadays in this episode, in a sense it's hard to phone call it a documentary as its subject is hard to actually pin downward. The questions you will discover yourself asking are, what exactly is this documentary documenting, what is it exploring, what is it exposing or what is it challenging. It fails to follow up on it'due south stated goal of exploring, how people of color view white people. Information technology fails because to do that it should past necessity generalize almost white people and blackness people. The but generalization is about white people, just information technology fails to do the same nigh people of color. It instead relies on anecdotes from the people of color who are also interviewees for the documentary. The anecdotes seem to be about their experience equally people of color in America and non how people of color view white people. The virtually interesting function of the testify, which actually makes you lot feel like your are watching a documentary, is a sequence on the history of slavery, immigrants etc. where a professor by the name Nell Irvin Painter has a compelling moment where she goes through history. The majority of the film is not revelatory only an breathless, anecdotal, casual race talk you've heard or heard of but not in a format that takes itself as serious as a documentary. It felt similar you are watching a mocumentary. The moving picture felt like it came about because a film maker wanted to tackle a bailiwick they would have liked to see on screen, merely they didn't themselves take a unique perspective or actually something to say.

  • Feb 17, 2022

    This is horrible and non truthful. Documentaries are supposed to show both sides. This shows aroused people who actually take zip to say merely blame. This is but another way to continue division and to blame other people for bad choices in others lives. Shame on you Showtime. I cancelled my membership and volition never be paying for your service again.

  • February 17, 2022

    Whatsoever the intent was of this series, whether as a comedy, trolling, "informative," or otherwise, it failed miserably.

  • Feb 17, 2022

    I cant believe we are in 2022... This was naught but adults coming off as bratty angry children. This actually has potential to be unsafe. Im then glad so many ppl agree. Its absolutely appalling and disgusting. How showtime thought this was ok and that there would be whatever success behind this is beyond me. I take immediately canceled my outset and honestly, they need to remove this and result an apology to everyone. This isnt ok. Its tacky and gross. booooooooooooo hiiiisssssssssssss

  • Feb 16, 2022

    I take a dream that my iv little children will one solar day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their peel but past the content of their character. I accept a dream today. - MLK Racism every bit defined past Merriam-Webster: "a belief that race is a central determinant of human being traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race" Racism is not ended by more racism. Racism is evil and can only create more Racism. Racism is taught, non built-in with. This show is pure racism and does zilch except fan the flames of racism. Information technology is not good, edifying or creative. It is only racist.

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