
How to Upload a Video on Youtube to My Computer

How practice I download or save a YouTube video to my computer?

Updated: 02/01/2021 by Computer Hope

YouTube logo

YouTube is designed only to allow users to watch and view (stream) videos and movies on their website. Many users want to download or save YouTube videos to their computer to lookout man offline, view on other devices, capture a picture show or screenshot of a scene, or edit them.

YouTube does not let you lot to download videos directly from their site. You need to use a third-party service, install software, or become a YouTube subscription service to download a YouTube video. Below are our recommendations for downloading and watching YouTube videos on your estimator.

Download a YouTube video using a website service

Button with a bug printed on it representing malware.

Most websites that offering a service of downloading a YouTube video for costless are no longer safe to use. These websites often results in malware being downloaded to your computer, either from the website service itself or through one of their partner websites.

Websites that offered free YouTube video downloading services have now permanently shut down their sites (due east.g., Savefrom.internet), resorted to malware-related ads, or employ other deceptive tactics.

Due to these reasons, Calculator Hope doesn't recommend the use of any website service offering free YouTube video downloads and no longer provides instructions for those websites.

Instead, we now recommend the utilise of youtube-dl, a screen recorder, or a YouTube Premium subscription. These are the best options to keep your computer costless of malware.

Download a YouTube video using youtube-dl

Downloading a video with youtube-dl

One of the best ways, and our favorite method, to download a YouTube video is with the free program youtube-dl. It'due south capable of downloading any available YouTube video format to your estimator, including the HD version.

Even so, using youtube-dl is a fleck more than circuitous and is designed for more experienced, and advanced, computer users. Youtube-dl utilizes the Windows command line for Windows computers, and the Terminal for macOS and Linux computers.

For aid with installing and using youtube-dl on your computer, click the link below to review the instructions.

  • How to download online videos and audio from over 700 sites.

Saving a YouTube video using a screen recorder

Screen recorders are software programs designed to run on a computer, smartphone, or tablet and tape anything on the screen. In addition to recording your screen, these programs can besides be used to record a video or sections of a video.

  • How to record your calculator screen.

Download a YouTube video using YouTube Premium

YouTube Premium logo

Another safe choice for downloading YouTube videos is YouTube Premium, which is a user-friendly service designed for computer and mobile device users at whatever level of experience.

YouTube Premium requires a monthly subscription, but at $11.99 per month, you're immune to download as many videos as you want, and watch them offline at whatever time. Additionally, y'all can heed to music offline using the YouTube Music app, also. Similar to other video streaming services, YouTube Premium provides unlimited access to YouTube videos and music, at a price that's cheaper than other streaming services.

Unlike youtube-dl, withal, YouTube Premium only allows users to view videos from in the app. After 48 hours in your downloads library, you can no longer access the videos offline until reconnecting to the Internet to prove the validity of your YouTube Premium subscription.

YouTube offers a ane-calendar month complimentary trial for YouTube Premium, so y'all can endeavor it out and decide if yous like it before paying for the service.

  • Official YouTube Premium website.

What about a individual video?

Services and programs designed to record YouTube videos don't have the aforementioned rights as your YouTube business relationship, and therefore would not be able to record a private video. Withal, if you can view the private video, you can utilize a screen recorder to record anything shown on your screen.


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